Should you nap in the day?

If you listen to BBC Radio 4 you have heard Dr Michael Mosley talking this morning (11th. May 2022) about taking a nap during the day. (The broadcast is available on the BBC Sounds App.) Many people stay clear of napping during the day because they believe it will affect their ability to sleep at night, but there is no good evidence that it can be beneficial for the body’s physiology. Blood pressure is lowered and there is increased refreshment for the second half of the day. Human circadian rhythm tends to exhibit a low spot in alertness in the early afternoon and this is also when there is a second peak in road traffic collisions (the first of being a 4 – 6 am).

Drowsiness after lunch is quite common, especially if the food consumed is carbohydrate loaded.  In sensible countries they have a siesta, although we have never done this formally in the UK. However taking 30 – 45 minutes of nap time is now thought to be good and worth considering if you’re able to do it.


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